In Memory of






Condolence From: Sharon Duguid (Peiffer)
Condolence: Pat, Rowan, Conor and Aiden Sarah was one of the reasons all those away hockey games were worth it. She was fun to sit on the bench with comparing notes of raising three active boys. I was so bummed the day she phoned and said "Rowan has chosen swimming". We missed her. I am so so sorry to hear of her passing.
Saturday April 30, 2016
Condolence From: Nancy Macdonald
Condolence: I am so very sorry to hear of Sarah's passing. I have not seen her in many years but remember fondly her warmth, humour and beauty. Sending my heartfelt condolences.
Wednesday April 27, 2016
Condolence From: Nancy McKenzie
Condolence: Pat, Conor, Rowan and Aidan, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Sarah was a kind, intelligent, caring and funny woman. You are so blessed to have had her as your wife and mother. She will always be with you in your hearts. I will miss our mom-chats as we spectated the boys' soccer and hockey...I truly enjoyed Sarah's company. Thinking of you all. Nancy, Mason, John and William
Wednesday April 27, 2016
Condolence From: Pete & Grace Neely
Condolence: Pat Irv and family: We know from Irv what a wonderful family Sarah has. Please accept our condolences. Our thoughts are with you at this time of tremendous loss and grief.
Monday April 25, 2016
Condolence From: Betteto/Murphy
Condolence: Sarah left a memorable impression on all of us with her enthusiasm for life and gentle manner with everyone. Her character shows well in the upbringing of her three fine sons. She will be missed by her friends in Bermuda. Edward, Tracey, Matthew, Michael and Max
Saturday April 23, 2016
Condolence From: The Marshall family
Condolence: We are so sad to lose such a wonderful friend and teacher. Heartfelt condolences to Patrick, Conor, Rowen, and Aiden. From Steve, Miki, Joey, and Jamie
Saturday April 23, 2016
Condolence From: Chris Johnson
Condolence: Pat, Conor, Rowen and Aiden; I know that you are missing Sarah terribly. Please know that many others are as well. She was a truly lovely person, and she would be extremely proud of the way you have stuck together as a family, and conducted yourselves so beautifully. Your continuing to do so will be a tribute to your amazing wife and mother.
Saturday April 23, 2016
Condolence From: Susan Milic
Condolence: Dear Doherty Family, We know the this last year has been a difficult journey for your family and you have been in our thoughts constantly. Sarah was a wonderful mother, wife, teacher and friend. We feel blessed to have been able to see her twice in the last month. When we saw her, she was determined to do what she treasured dearly, spending time with her husband and boys in spite of the pain and fatigue she was feeling. She will be dearly missed. Rest in peace, Sarah. The Milic Family
Friday April 22, 2016
Condolence From: Stephanie Jansen
Condolence: Swimming was my initial connection with Sarah and her family. I had the pleasure of coaching Sarah, Rowan and Aidan in the Masters/Youth Masters programs at our community pool. It wasn’t long before I learned the commonality amongst the Dohertys was a determined work-ethic to improve in a quiet, gentle manner. I will remember Sarah as a devoted mother of three ambitious boys. She would arrive to the pool just in time for her swim after a previous workout getting her family where they needed to be! She was committed to fit in her fitness and improve her swimming skills. As teachers in the same school district, we would sneak in a quick conversation about our work where her dedication to education was also apparent. Last night at the pool, we dedicated the swim to Sarah who will be fondly remembered.
Friday April 22, 2016
Condolence From: Des & Thora Benfield
Condolence: All the Benfields (Des,Thora,Mark,Nick,Karen,Vanessa) are saddened by the death of dear Sarah. Our memories of the sunny, little blonde girl she was are happy ones we cherish. To Pat and his boys and to Irving and Pat, her parents,and Sarah's aiblings, Julie, Liz and Andy, we are all so, so sorry for your loss. God bless you all, Des and Thora
Friday April 22, 2016
Condolence From: The Boddington Family
Condolence: Very sincere and heartfelt condolences to Pat, Conor, Rowen, Aidan, and your broader family - our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Sincerely Gary, Dawn, Kate and Tom Boddington
Friday April 22, 2016
Condolence From: Jackie, Sasha and family
Condolence: Sarah will be missed dearly. She was a wonderful friend and teacher. Our condolences to Pat, Conor, Rowen, Aidan and her family.
Friday April 22, 2016
Condolence From: Francine, John, Jack, Maddy
Condolence: Sarah will be greatly missed but her warmth, kindness and gentle spirit will be remembered forever. Love to all of you.
Friday April 22, 2016
Condolence From: Mimi Ross
Condolence: Knowing & working with Sarah was a blessing. The world will not be as bright without her beautiful heart and smile.
Friday April 22, 2016
Condolence From: Gill and Bob Langford
Condolence: Pat, Irv, and family: Our thoughts are with you at this very difficult time. Please accept our condolences.
Thursday April 21, 2016
Condolence From: Murray & Jean Cockburn
Condolence: It is with deepest sadness, that we offer our love and condolences to the Nyman and Doherty families. We are grateful for many memories of sweet and gentle Sarah.
Thursday April 21, 2016
Condolence From: S & D Gasner
Condolence: We are special friends of Sarah's parents, Pat & Irv. Stories of Sarah's life and family have shown what a wonderful and strong person she was. We share the tremendous loss and grief that all must be feeling at this very sad time.
Thursday April 21, 2016
Condolence From: Kelly Weedon
Condolence: Shocked and saddened to hear about Sarah's illness and passing. I had the pleasure of spending a week on a canoe trip with Sarah in Killarney when we were in high school. Lovely memories. Please accept my condolences.
Thursday April 21, 2016
Condolence From: Colleen Bertrand (Ottawa Doherty)
Condolence: Pat and family I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers and thoughts are with you all at this time
Wednesday April 20, 2016
Condolence From: Mary & Mike Flanagan (Ottawa Doherty)
Condolence: Pat and Family, We just heard the sad news of Sarah's passing. Our heart felt sympathies to you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Mary and Mike
Wednesday April 20, 2016
Condolence From: AJ
Condolence: My sincerest condolences to Doherty family. Losing a loved one is one of the painful things in this world, no one wants this even our loving Father. It is comforting to know that God deeply cares about us and would soon act to eliminate death. (1 Peter 5:7; Revelation 21:4) May you find comfort from these scriptures and be encouraged that we will soon meet Sarah again.
Wednesday April 20, 2016