In Memory of




McKenzie Funeral Services
We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family.
2018-04-10 11:24:22
Toula Favreau
You knew she considered you a friend when Andrée asked you to call her Ley. She was one of those rare ones - a truly good person, warm and generous, thoughtful and compassionate. Every year I take out a Christmas decoration that Ley made for me some 35 years ago. It’s a cherished piece, loved by my entire family. Next Christmas I will pull it out of its box with a heavy heart. Everyone who knew Ley will agree that we are all better people for having known her. This is a fact and it cannot be overstated. Goodbye, dear Ley. May your eternal life be full of the things that brought you joy. Your friend, Toula Favreau
2018-04-19 09:57:47