In Memory of





Condolence From: Heather McKechnie
Condolence: Many loving and happy memories of my Mother Millie's, forever kind, caring, witty and beautiful cousin. Nos Da Cariad. Sadly missed by Heather Peter and family. Our Love to Carol Gordon and family.
Thursday March 15, 2018
Condolence From: Judi Whyte
Condolence: Eirwen's joy will be missed. I remember when she 1st moved into the Seastrand and how she greeted the trains daily! When I would run into her in Dundarave she would always share her Joy! She will be missed. My heart goes out to your family. Judi
Wednesday March 14, 2018
Condolence From: Jill McDade
Condolence: My Auntie Eirwen was a wonderful Aunt to me and much loved sister to my Mum Mae. I have many lovely memories of her, she was a talented, funny and generous lady. Condolences to all my cousins in Canada.
Tuesday March 06, 2018
Condolence From: Deborah
Condolence: My condolences to the family of Eirwen Cleaver. A loved one lost can grieve the heart, and make us yearn for the day when Almighty God will keep the promise he made in, Revelations 21:4, 5,"....and death will be no more neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away..."Look! I am making all things new..."
Saturday March 03, 2018