In Memory of




Condolence From: Jo Faulkner
Condolence: Dear Family of Penelope I am very sorry for your loss. I'm afraid, I didn't know this lady. I have just discovered through my own family research that she was a distant relative, the daughter of Margaret Straugheir, my great grandmothers cousin. I'm so very sad that I have found out about her daughter at this time. If anybody is interested at any point I have a lovely photograph of Penelope's mother Margaret as a young lady and her brother Cecil and some other relatives, which have come down the family to me. Please forgive my intrusion. Kind regards, Jo Faulkner (North Yorkshire, UK)
Sunday December 30, 2018
Condolence From: Paulette Johnston
Condolence: How well I remember Penny bustling around the SFU campus in her capacity as director of APSA. She had a wealth of knowledge and what she didn't know, she would fined out in record time. She reminisced about her years at SFU at her retirement party, and chronicled the many changes in the location of the APSA office, noting that at one point she was asked to relinquish her office on the top floor of the Academic Quadrangle to make room for the faculty association so faculty could be, as she put it, "closer to God." A pleasure to have known Penny.5
Sunday February 04, 2018
Condolence From: Karen and John Kroeker
Condolence: Dear Becky and Tabby What wonderful memories we have of you and your family living next door to us on Spuraway. The birthday parties on your deck, your dad bopping balloons at the little ones, the impromptu performances you and Cynthia and Jennifer put on. Your mom leaning over the railing to call "John Dear, or John Darling". Your dad of course was always 'John Darling"! The family working in the yard and your dad referring to it as "the Suez Canal" Your mom and I trading recipes and testing and tasting them with each other. The call from your mom saying "we're running just a bit late". Her beautiful and generous Christmas projects which always inspired me to do something too. Every Year when we hang the Victorian stockings she made for Cynthia and Jennifer we talk of her and the family. The reflections are as rich and beautiful as those stockings. We did manage to visit after you moved but of course the passage of time (and age) made those less frequent. . Please know we are sending our love and warm embrace for the wonderful parents you had and the joy we shared. They will be missed, With love, Karen and John
Sunday February 04, 2018
Condolence From: R & R
Condolence: Knowing Penny was to believe in a force of nature. We raised our families together in Coquitlam and have always admired the devotion she and John so clearly shared... Our thoughts are with you Becky and Tabby-be sure your Mum will always be in our hearts... Rosemary & Robert
Sunday February 04, 2018
Condolence From: Rona
Condolence: My condolences to Spagnolo family. I was on of the caregivers of Penny. She will be missed.
Wednesday January 31, 2018